Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sheilds Up

Had an open house today at my studio. The world feels new today. A move in the direction I want to go has done wonders for my mood about my world. I have been finishing a construction project and I am finally done, I can breathe now. I set up for my open house this morning in my Tower Grove studio, I had good conversations with people who came to look at my work, friends came by and hung out for a while and I sold a few pots. I am inspired to make plans and follow them, to shift my life. There are still obstacles, I have a lot to do but I feel like I can today. I have had some days recently where I am drowning in a feeling of hopelessness but I think that feeling is coming from outside of me. I must push out my opposition and surround myself with environments and people who harmonize with my vision of my life. I tiptoe through a field of sleeping demons, I hope they don't read my blog, at least not until I am at a place of safety.

1 comment:

Beth said...

don't worry Marvel no demons are reading your blog, just folks like me. :) gosh, i feel like i'm just catching up with life. finished a 9 month organic farming apprenticeship in nov. and finding some time to poke around in the world. hope i make your next open house. hey remember julie and i bought that old door down on broadway with you? well hopefully this coming year i can have you work on getting it out of my garage and installed. it will look and feel so much better. best to you for the coming new year and i do hope you are enjoying the lovely snowfall today. cheers.